1. Don't ignore your savings
Usually, entrepreneurs tend to save their money in the bank for the time they don't work. But that's wrong. Anytime you need cash you should grab them directly from your bank. Entrepreneurs cannot afford to run out of cash.
2. Do consider your best employee
The employees that perform best means that they truly are motivated so, instead of abandoning them, give them some motivation and perks in terms of non-cash rewards. More employees prioritize their social relationship instead of pay, so this is an advantage to motivate them with no cost.
3. Don't hesitate in a deal
Yes and no are strong words, so when you say them, it will have a big impact such as a contract signed. Never show uncertainty and hesitation. You must not be ambiguous and be clear in dealing.
4. Teach yourself nepotism
Nepotism is giving favors and rewards or in biased words. Make sure you run your business without bias.
5. Don't ignore security and intellect
You can make sure that your invention is protected by intellectual property law by learning what is copyright, trademark and patent. If not, your invention could be copied by competitors.
6. Don't delay agreements
Never be lazy in penning down agreements. Otherwise customer loyalty will go down and legal action will cost lots of money.
Usually, entrepreneurs tend to save their money in the bank for the time they don't work. But that's wrong. Anytime you need cash you should grab them directly from your bank. Entrepreneurs cannot afford to run out of cash.
2. Do consider your best employee
The employees that perform best means that they truly are motivated so, instead of abandoning them, give them some motivation and perks in terms of non-cash rewards. More employees prioritize their social relationship instead of pay, so this is an advantage to motivate them with no cost.
3. Don't hesitate in a deal
Yes and no are strong words, so when you say them, it will have a big impact such as a contract signed. Never show uncertainty and hesitation. You must not be ambiguous and be clear in dealing.
4. Teach yourself nepotism
Nepotism is giving favors and rewards or in biased words. Make sure you run your business without bias.
5. Don't ignore security and intellect
You can make sure that your invention is protected by intellectual property law by learning what is copyright, trademark and patent. If not, your invention could be copied by competitors.
6. Don't delay agreements
Never be lazy in penning down agreements. Otherwise customer loyalty will go down and legal action will cost lots of money.
Kuliner Terbaik Bakso Kaget
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